Saturday 10 October 2015

Change of domain

I have changed my blogging space to wordpress. Here is the url


See you there. Thank you

Monday 14 April 2014

Through the pages of your mind-1

It’s pretty a long time eh? Some of the exams, Aagneya’14 and some unexpected incidents happened over the last 2-3 months kept me out of the blogging world. Well, that is just an excuse but yeah, I was probably out of mood to write something. But today, I could not resist scribbling again some crazy things into my blogging space.

2. 05am. Well, I don’t know the reason why I attempt blogs at around midnight. Maybe I can have my maximum concentration only at late night. Anyway I’m not going into all that. All I can tell now is, one of my friends asked me to write about people who influenced me. Despite several attempts to scratch my brain I could find only a very few who influenced me. May be I’m not really influenced easily. Well, to attempt that, the time isn’t right. So better, I would try to travel through the mind of some of my classmates. I like to limit the discussion to my current classmates as it would turn out to be a very lengthy post otherwise.

Again I would prefer to omit mentioning names and high end criticisms this time also. I would be really surprised if it turns out to be a really tough task for you in finding these names. In spite of all these, if someone is really sensitive, all I can tell is, “stop here, shut this page and go back to your facebook.”
So let us begin, here comes first one.

He is one guy I respect the most. Wait, wait.. you suddenly shortlisted a few people. Now, that will be really misguiding you. So I think it’s better to read it as a whole and then start guessing and not the other way round. Well, coming back.. This is probably a 0% selfish guy. We share a lot of similar opinions and that is one reason why I never had to convince him on anything. He cares a little too much on what others think about him but now, he will never accept it. So he used to tell some sort of small lies rather than telling things as it is. And I've a bad hobby that when someone tells me a lie, I keep asking too much about it, so that they tell more lies and I make the best out of myself to make them believe that I believed them. In spite of that, I personally try to keep him right at the top among my best friends coz I haven’t seen anyone so pure in his heart. I had had the privilege of working with him for several programmes. I said ‘privilege’ and I really mean it. He is not someone who works for material gains-he never do things to earn recognition-he never do things to get certificates- he never do things to get monetary benefits out of it. Being in a class, where people love recognition and certificates and are not serious in doing anything, he stands out. It is because he works because he loves it and he wants to make something better. Hats off bro. Well, time to shift your guesses.

On the other side, he gets tensed easily. When someone criticizes him, he gets irritated or sad I don’t know what actually is. He neither forgets it nor shows it. But he never let it go out of his nerves. He never fears doing some crazy things. But when he does something, he is probably the person you need to watch out. He will be tensed like no one and end up messing things up. I remember one instance during our IV days. We were at Bangalore I guess. There, he left us to visit his friend or cousin somewhere in the city. That’s what he told us at that time. I never guessed that it would be the girl whom he loved until he told those things during our return journey to Trivandrum!! Not even his big friend will do such a thing!! He had great ideas in mind. He sometimes thinks at angles that ordinary people rarely do. But still when he speaks, he rarely thinks and ends up omitting out foolishness. So that’s it. I can write a whole book about him but at this point I need to write about others also.

There is another guy. Someone you find in million or so. He cannot be influenced. He has his own unique style of doing things. He keeps telling us he doesn't like college and he wanted to do something else and all. Maybe he came to college because of some outside pressures. He might have been in a lot better mindset if he had been a cricketer. He had such a passion for cricket. Even those people who play better cricket don’t have such a fire inside. Anyway I’m not going into all that.

I strongly feel that there are some small tensions between him and his parents. I’m sorry bro if I’m wrong. He doesn't talk too much. Might be he developed such a thing like he is going to do things that people around him don’t want to. Knowingly or unknowingly he is fighting with someone. That’s something I’m pretty sure about. I don’t know if he accepts that. It’s not that he hates engineering. He had that kind of aptitude that even most of the 8 pointers don’t have. He is not at all bothered about the marks also. So what actually is bothering him? Well, I don’t know.

At times, he sits quietly without talking to anyone. He has built his own world around himself. Something like a bubble inside which he is probably really comfortable and no one is given the permission to enter. I don’t know how many of you people tried to know him. However I’m pretty sure that once you try to, you will start unraveling the gem inside him.

Every time writing about boys make a feeling of biased. Writing about girls is a pretty sensitive issue though. I don’t know if I could write everything I think about them. I’m not really used to the thrashes and kicks from girls. So I better try to be in a safe zone.

This is about a girl who always have big smile- a kind of jolly type. She’s one girl my sister never forgets. Once during Fuse-out, she once compared me with my sis. She told something like I’m very lean and my sis is a bit plump. Even now, my sis, sometimes used to tell that it was the first time someone called her like that in public. We both burst into laughter remembering that instance even now.

 I felt that she is someone who can tell a hundred lies without having any change in expression. Probably she can tell more than hundred. My ability to detect lies is limited.She can talk openly as anyone but most of the time she prefers to hide a lot of things. I still don’t know what so much to hide inside that small cranium is. She might be a little different talking with girls.

Despite all these things, unlike other girls, she is too much predictive. Predictive in a sense that one can guess what all she’s going to do and what all she isn't and all that. She’s not that childish. But she prefers to be like an immature girl. I don’t know if it’s deliberately or not.

I think she has the kind of attitude like, “why should boys have all the fun” and that is probably why she is too much into all sorts of pranks. Well, she is really brave. Oops..That’s enough. Telling too much about such a brave girl is not going to be good for my health. This one had been a pretty tough one right. Anyway, I should thank this girl. She’s one I mentioned at the beginning. Don’t scroll up. That friend -who asked me to write about influential people but I ended up here. I can guess your emotions now. :D
Finally last one for the day..

Again a girl. Someone I’m having a sister like figure. She is probably the most honest person I've come across. You can tell anything with her and probably that is one reason I consider her as a sister. She can tease you like hell. Even if you try to tease her, you still end up getting a couple more. Earlier during large part of my college life I thought that she was very quite. But I sometimes, at the midst of those teasings, I wish it was true. :D

She is too much sensitive and emotional. A kind of a cry baby type. Well, that is a bit exaggerated but still somewhere I’m right. She loves to be in a small circle of friends and makes an impression like she’s not outgoing. But in that circle she too comfortable that she is a different person altogether.

If you ask me to sort out most respectful girls in my class, I would end up with 3 and she will be right there among them. Now half of you people will be more interested in knowing who that remaining two rather than this one. Right? For them I can tell you, the 3 of them have a peculiarity. One is a Hindu, one is a Muslim and one is a Christian. That is just a coincidence after all.  Anyway coming back, she is too simple. Well, that’s enough. Else she will become carried away by my words. I cannot find too much bad qualities. She could have involved in a little more other activities other than studies. It isn't that she is not interested. There is something else that is actually hindering. Anyway I’m not going into all that. Now no need of clues for this I guess.

At this point I must tell that I’m or( perhaps we are) really fortunate enough to share the same class with these “legends.” :D One more year, and we all probably land up somewhere and let these be some memories worth to remember.  And again this is just a work of a half sleepy Ashik, coz the time is already 4am. So just forget all these things next time when you see me. You know, I’m not really good at fights. I don’t know if I’m good at reading people so I think if I was able to give at least 60% justice to this post, my try is worth enough.

And don’t worry. This is not over. I will try to mention everyone in my blog( even if you don’t want to :D ). I love you all na.. Just keep guessing what’s going to be the next and I’ll keep guessing what you are thinking.

Sunday 15 December 2013

What is Liebster?

Actually I was really surprised when I received two mails each saying that I am nominated for Liebster Award-one from Adithya Manisankar and other from Parvathy. “Liebster Award”- uff now what is this? I haven’t heard of such an award before. I came to know that its awarded for bloggers  by the bloggers community itself. Thanks to Google. Then my attention shifted to those two people- Adithya and Parvathy. Parvathy is one those little sisters I got from my great Bhavans Vivekanada Vidya Mandir. She herself is a great blogger. We used to have small chit-chats over blogs and all those stuffs. And what I learnt is her writing and thinking are much more matured than you expect from a 17yr old. A million thanks to you for encouraging my writing by nominating me for this award. Now Adi.. Actually he is an absolute stranger. And that makes it special. Its not actually the award that makes me happy; it’s the fact that there is a bunch of unexpected people who like reading my blog. And that itself is the biggest fuel. Again Thanks a ton Adithya, thanks for the nomination.

Now I would like to thank those precious hearts who used to read my blog regularly and post their honest criticisms about my writing. Words are not enough to thank my sister, Sherin, who is always the first person to read whatever I used to write, my parents, all my friends and classmates of GECB, Bhavans and Mridula. Their constant critical evaluation-both good and bad remarks- helped me get better every time. Without you guys, my blog never would have been like this.

WHAT IS LIEBSTER AWARD ? – Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. It is said that , the Liebster Blog Award started in Germany(probably) & is used to highlight new/recent/lesser known blogs or let say blogs with less than 200 followers.

HOW A LIEBSTER AWARD WORKS ? - The Liebster is an award you accept with the intention of paying it forward. When you get nominated ,you have to post 10 facts about you, 10 questions to answer .Answer them ,then create 10 more questions &  choose 10 more bloggers whom you feel are deserving of more subscribers & you pass the award on to them.

Here are 10 random facts about me.

  1. Probably I’m the only person in my generation who haven’t watched cartoons. ( Couple of occasions I’ve watched tom and jerry though).
  2. When I have a chair and table in home, I prefer sitting on the table with legs in chair. It’s a kind of weird habit I have since my childhood.
  3. Till my 7th standard I used to sing regularly in my school. 
  4. My childhood toys were fighter airplanes that were gifted by my dad, and a cricket bat gifted by my mom.
  5. I have a bad fear towards all kinds of insects, especially cockroaches.
  6. Till date, I never had a fight with my sister.
  7. I used to talk too much when I was small. The speed with which I talk is such that people hardly understand anything.
  8. I used to be the tallest person in my class and just 1 or 2 years later, ended as one of shortest. I think at some point I stopped growing.
  9. Till 2011, every year I used to suffer from asthma, usually in December. 
  10. I’m a midnight blogger.

So here are my answers to the questions asked to me by Adithya

What do your friends and family think about your blog?

  • My family consider it as a platform to develop my English writing skills. And my friends- some consider it as sliced memories of college and school life, some others take it as an opportunity to read what is in my mind, a few takes it as an “unlimited teasing” page.

If you must tell someone your secret – a scary embarrassing secret – who would that someone be?

  • If you tell someone a secret there is every chance that they will omit it out sometime. So if I ever get to such a situation then I may probably tell it with my sister coz half of the time she’s almost out of her mind ; the rest half she’s asleep :D

What makes you laugh your head out?

  • Thinking about my own foolish actions itself can laugh me out of proportion.

If you could change three things about yourself – be it physically or mentally or anything – what would it be?

  • Physically I would love a fully opened nose. Due to the bend, now I have to breathe virtually through one side.
  • Sometimes I feel I’m a bit arrogant. I would love to be a bit more humble.
  • Finally my parents used to complain that I’m lazy and disordered. Can I change that?

What are your “philosophies” that you strictly adhere (or atleast try) to? (Eg. I must not tell a lie, I must not cheat etc)

  • Honesty is the greatest treasure I try to follow in my life. I feel it is the only thing that I could never afford to lose and then regain it. 
  • I always try to take up responsibilities and challenges. 
  • Never drink, smoke or use alcohols. Why waste money and kill yourself?
  • I believe that if you are continuously doing what you really love, if you are working hard on your interested field, then you can achieve wonders.
  • Finally respect women- by words and by actions.

Name three films or three books (or both) that changed your life

  • Actually Aamir’s ‘Satyameva Jayate’ is one that influenced me the most. Though not a movie/book, it deserves to be mentioned. My all-time favourite movies are Swades and 3-Idiots. While Swades inspired to do something for the society using one’s skill, 3-Idiots taught how to learn and how to be an engineer. As far as books are concerned, ‘The Secret’ has done wonders. I have now started thinking about my thoughts :D

Name three films (or books) that you despise

  • It’s difficult to answer. One doesn’t remember things that one doesn’t like na. In fact, I don’t like most of the romantic films.. They all have the same story rendered in the same way. And some of those New-gen films like Chappa Kurisu.

What Myer-Brigg type are you?

  • INTP (Introversion,Intuition, thinking, Perception)

Do you think that the type that you got above actually describes you?

  • Well, it up to people around me to have a final word on that.

Name three of your favorite authors and three favorite directors

  • It was a wonderful experience reading novels of Chetan Bhagat, Nicholas Spark and Vaikkom Muhammed Basheer. 
  • Directors- Christopher Nolan, Blessy, Maniratnam

Inevitable question : Why do you blog? What got you into it? And how’s the experience?

  • I believe that blogging has the same impact as photography. Both are a way of keeping memories alive. I started blogging as a hobby and now I cannot afford to stop writing. Blogging actually is a journey. A journey of my life. Well, that sums it up na?

Now here is Parvathy’s questions

What is your best childhood memory?

  • When I was a child, I used to go to school only if I was accompanied by my sister. In case she took leave, I preferred staying at home with her even if it happens to be an exam day!! 

What’s something you regret, and how would you change it if you could?

  • I believe everything happens for a reason. So I’m more interested to change something in the present than that of past.

What childhood (or adolescent) dreams have you fulfilled?

  • My childhood dreams were really big. I think if you can fulfil your dreams so fast then they are not big enough.

If you could live anywhere on earth (and take whomever you wanted along), where would it be?

  • Amritsar. Well, it remains to be the best place I have spent so far. The people there, the Punjabi food, and the Panjabi girls-they are really beautiful!! Everything perfectly placed.

If any character from a novel could be your best friend, who would you want it to be and why?

  • Ryan in ‘Five Point Someone’. He is probably the best friend one can ever get.

Any favourite quotes?

  • One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words. It is expressed in the choices one makes.. and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility. 

What is your idea of heaven?

  • Well, I think it’s the only possible place where good people of different generations live together. I’m just too excited to meet Gandhiji and Tesla!!

What has been the best moment of your blogging journey?

  • After updating my blog when I reach the class next day, most of my friends’ topic of discussion has been about the blog. Eventually they used to kick me for the kind of things I used to write about them!! But still, when I look back, those moments have really given me boundless fun.

What is something that you've always wanted to try but haven’t yet?

  • One of my childhood dreams was to try my luck flying a fighter plane.. I still love to if I ever get a chance.

Who would play your role if your life is made into a movie ?

  • I think one’s role can be best played by himself only. It hardly needs an effort na..

Okay, The Nominees .... These are some blogs I love to visit ....



Anagha P

Green Frog

Viju Sudhi

Debajyoti Gosh

The Fool



Now my questions

  1. What is something that you fear the most?
  2. If you are asked to reveal an unknown fact about you, what would it be?
  3. What is the funniest thing happened in your life?
  4. If you are given a time machine, and going to the future, then what would you do?
  5. What is the most cherished moment of your life?
  6. If you meet me in heaven, what is the first thing you would tell me?
  7. If you are given an opportunity to change your name, what would it be?
  8. If you are asked to write an autobiography, what would be the title? And why? 
  9. If you are given 1 crore rupees? What would you do with it?
  10. Now last question.. Why do you blog?

Pass it on and keep blogging :) :) :)

Sunday 11 August 2013

An Interval

Well, this is a journey. A journey, which you don’t know where you are heading to. I have been the traveler for the past two years, like the many hundreds of my college mates. Looking from outside, yeah, an engineering student among many - passionate, hardworking young minds who can revolutionize the society, who are probably going to be those responsible behind every technological advancements that is happening around us and blah blah. That’s really funny eh? I don’t know. But one thing I’m pretty sure is that I’m half way through it- B-tech life. So, half an engineer? Ah, perhaps not yet.

Well, this is my version I can describe it in my own way. It may differ from what my classmates have to say. If you ask me whether I’m satisfied with my college life, well, at times I feel satisfied and at some other times I’m not. Sometimes things are so funny. The first thing that amazed me when I came to college was the strike. Students go on strike for silly problems that happened in some colleges or schools in other districts but always hesitate to do anything worthwhile to get done in our college. Maybe they will go for another strike if something happens in America also. ! Both SFI and KSU are no exceptions in that. But, whatever it maybe I'm really happy when there is a strike. At least a day off. Another interesting thing about the college is it has immense funds but no one takes initiative to spend. I don’t know what the use of money is if it isn't used. Maybe they get a kind of happiness when they see large sums of money right there untouched. This is a psychological issue. Well, forget it. Once I submitted a proposal on how to use these funds. Principal approved and one staff was appointed for further developments. She took long leave on the next week and now came back as HOD. Now you might have understood who that is. Now I should tell myself, "Well, forget it."!!! One of my close friends was always supportive in this regard. Now to all my readers who think that I'm insane to do all these; to them I can only tell " I'm not finished yet" :D

So 2 years into engineering. 2 years in the mighty Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, Trivandrum struggling to fight out with the generators and motors to ICs and Op-amps. Exams went as pathetic as ever. I got marks like the water we get from corporation taps- drop by drop. It wasn't a fight to be a topper or anything, but a fight of survival. That Darwin guy was right!! When we get the cut off 35 marks in internals for a subject I used to become happier than the one who got 49 out of 50. Pretty fortunate enough that I haven't got any back papers so far. Practicals were another terror. Examiners expect Einsteins when we are attending vivas. At the end of it they give a "you-are-not-fit-for-engineering" look with a sigh. Time and marks are the two things that, I don’t know, how it works. I’m always amazed at the pace with which time flies. I feel it is moving at a rate as unpredictable as a woman’s mind!! During the lecture hours, 15 minutes seems like 1 hour. At the same time, the 1 hour lunch break is always not enough. And marks.. Well, I was one among the million students who are really inspired from films like 3-idiots. But enjoying whatever you do can bring only enjoyment, not marks!! Obviously, in college you don’t get marks based on how much you are enjoying, but how much you are hard working. But you cannot work hard if you aren’t enjoying either. So this is also a pretty complicated issue. Those really interested in engineering scoring low marks, those highly intelligent brains keep on failing to clear their papers and some of the toppers don’t seem to have any interest towards engineering-so it’s hard to judge what’s actually happening( It's not the case with everyone, but still...). So as I've mentioned this is pretty complicated issue. There are 3 kinds of people in my class-those who study for all day and get good marks, the second kind study at their best for last one week and score good marks and the third kind study last day and sometimes they pass and sometimes they don't. When I was in first year, I used to hear about seniors who have around 10 back papers. I was amazed at their below par performances. But now, when I see the same seniors, I somehow have due respect for them. I don’t know why. I just do.  Maybe because it’s just ten. 10 is not a big number when you have some 55-60 tough-nut-to-crack papers. It’s better not to think about marks or time as an average engineering student has to face almost 170 papers in around 600 working days!  Just keep learning and enjoy your college life with friends, and that probably is what the best way out there is.

One thing that keeps me proud about my college is the kind of atmosphere that is prevailing in the campus. There is a kind of serenity that is hard to find in most of the colleges in the state today. There is a common wrong notion that in a government college having campus politics at its level best, and when people of different culture from all around the state come together under one roof, it is really difficult to keep a healthy environment. We just keep on proving that it’s not the case with GECB. We are One. There may be competitions among all, but everything in healthy means only. Our infrastructure is not top class. But is infrastructure the most important ? When we came to this college as freshers, we were allotted old buildings that looked like farmhouses. But now when I look back, that was an experience. An experience of the days that I wish I could rewind and go back. I believe that all these infrastructure and all those things seem trivial when you realize the true worth of your college. And I feel all my fellow GECBians think the same. And being one among them makes me proud.

Friendships are the greatest treasure I achieved from these two years. Friendships have got a different meaning. It doesn’t always require two people to talk everyday to be friends. It doesn’t depend on how much time you spend with them either. Some have the kind of notion that we become close with those we sit together. I don’t  know if I believe in it  . Well, I don’t really care. Friendship should not be measured but treasured and all that. Some say it is like wine. The older it is, the stronger it gets. Like an advertisement caption!! Whatever, I haven’t tasted wine. But people say so. And I came to know that everyone has so many good qualities in them that need to be noted. It’s about how you treat them and they will treat you the same way in return. Another thing I realized about human psychology is that knowingly or unknowingly boys always want to impress girls and they will never accept that fact. You can tease them in front of 1000 males in public but not in front of any one girl. I judge a person on the way he behaves with me and not what others tell about him. I believe others also think the same. Does that make girls any different? And girls’ psychology- I don’t really know. They always have 100 different opinions about the same thing. Anyway I’m not going into all that.. Every individual is different; so we must accept that. But you know one thing, there is a world within everyone full of dreams that they don't share with anyone. I wonder if those who claim to know you really know you at all..  People always tend to like those who come with good words. . Hopefully I will be careful with my words on and off blog.. "

One of the most memorable moments of my life these years was the times of Fuse Out 2013. I was asked to co-ordinate tech events. That was perhaps one of the most challenging works that I’ve come across. I wasn't technically sound enough to do the job and there were lots of people in my class who were far more technically knowledgeable. With Allah’s grace and with the help of my friends and seniors it was managed decently. With the kind of initial tensions and problems that almost killed Fuse Out on the starting day of Aagneya, it actually rose like a phoenix when the whole EEE dept united at Kanakakunnnu palace grounds. And at the final day night, when we realized that everything went well, it was one of the most satisfying moments of my life; not only for me but for every EEEian in GECB also. At the last day at pro show initially I kept  silent, watching the show. At times when you are happy you enjoy and dance. But there are times when you are so beyond happy that you can’t do anything. Perhaps it’s because you don’t know what to do!!

So these two years went so fast. And the next 2 years will go at an even better pace. By the time we all pass out we will surely have some more moments worth to remember. And after passing out, we may get busy with our own lives  that we may hardly get a chance to see each other, let alone these silly chit-chats and joyous moments. People get jobs, get married, some may go abroad, people get used with the new environment that they may hardly remember their old friends. Doesn’t it hurt? Sometimes I wish I could stop time and say, probably when I pass out, “hey time, I haven’t had enough moments in GECB, I want to go back and live those moments again”. Doesn’t it hurt?? Maybe somewhere in our lives we will meet again after we pass out. I can only say that we can live the remaining days to the fullest. Life is a crazy thing, like my blog- no one knows what comes next. :D

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Nikhil speaks

He and his crazy thoughts. The controversial blogger. He thinks he is the son of Chetan Bhagath or something. He thinks he can write anything, describe anyone as he wish. He can write a hundred stupid things about anyone and tell he did it for joke. His main job is character assassination and that too using his blog. And I’m talking about his last post.
There were lot of silly talks between us and he has publicized it. I usually like myself being called as BOSS or DON or at least NOJ. But this idiot calls me 'Oommachan' and that too in public. He has written that I have warned him calling me that in front of girls. That may be true; but what’s the point in mentioning it in public. Trying to degrade my image..that’s what he is doing always I must say.. And about my dialogues-initially I thought it was a compliment. But the more I read his blog the more I get a feeling that there’s an air of sarcasm in it. Why is he writing things of this kind?? He could have praised me instead. At least I will earn some name in public or earn the lost image. He could have written that I've a sweet heart or I’m very funny or something. Or he could have described me as someone very talented. At least he could have written that I've won a legendary game in FIFA by 12-1!!! 
 He pictured Pranoy as someone who comments girls. He tells his blog doesn't have any effect others opinion about anyone. But there are a hell lot of people who takes his words in blogs for granted. Now people start telling " oh karthik-pranoy.. we know in Ashik's blog..."  means what..? Pranoy actually is a kind of guy you people don’t know. If you give him the mobile numbers of all girls in our college, even then he never uses it. maybe he has joked around but it doesn't mean he doesn't respect girls..For me he is the most decent student and a very good friend.
And Karthik.... he isn’t addicted to girls or whatever.  He might have girlfriends. Is that a bad thing?? I always feel proud of him. I never had the kind of life as his. Maybe Ashik is jealous of him. There are people like Rohini and Lekshmi who didn't like Karthik being pictured like that. why? Because they know him well..  And Pattom-teacher thing.. That was a joke among us. Why did he wrote all those things? I don’t know. Maybe to earn likes from DASRA and other girls.  In the meantime he tried to be the good guy. Writing everything bad about us and picturing himself as someone not like anyone of us. Well played boy.. He always had excuses to tell like it is just for fun and after so many years the blog will remain as a joke blah blah...This showman thinks he is sound in English. I English write speak well too!!! Given me 2 days I can also make robots.... alla pinne... 
 And one more thing.. Why did he wrote about us and spared others. We are no group here. In a class we automatically become comfortable with a few. That doesn't mean we are isolated. If you want to write about group-ism why spare DASRA? Why spare Krishnanunni? And if he is just interested in character assassination why not tell everyone about Govind's gf. and his secret chattings.!!! Why not write about DASRA and degrade their image.? Why always me?? 
A day will come when people will stop believing the blogger, a day when people have myself composed song as their ringtones, a day when my gf understands my sincerity in the relationship, the day when I have the same kind of fame and name as of Govind...and that day I will roam as a BOSS-coz I’m the DON-mind it...
 PS:  This is just a work of fiction... An attempt to read the mind of Nikhil.  An attempt to read what his emotions were after he read my blog.. An attempt to catch his style of speaking.. Any resemblance to any characters mentioned are purely coincidental  :D 

 ......ithavana aarum enne thallathillenaanu pratheeksha :p :D

Wednesday 2 January 2013

NOJ and Friends

Nikhil Oomen Jacob, Karthik M Nair, Pranoy Narayan and Akash C Babu are the main characters of this plot. They are all a gang. Probably a gang of 5. I'm the fifth one. Well, I donn't really like to be in a group of 5. Throughout my life I never restricted myself to some 3-4 friends. I’ve always been an every one’s friend. I never had a particular best friend. I mean I never kept someone in that position. However I do have numerous friends from MGM varkala, Bhavans and Arya Central. And now in GECB I’m really close with my classmates, some of my batch mates, seniors, juniors, IEEE members.. (This IEEE has also given me friends from other colleges also.) So what I meant is I’m still equally close with my other classmates that I just never consider myself as a member of a particular gang, though I’m. In GECB also I’m an every one’s friend. However I like spending time with them-NOJ and friends- as its really boundless fun being there; everyone different in their own way..

Nikhil- He is the most childish person among us. He can speak so well that people easily gets friends with him. We call him ‘Oomachan’ despite his constant requests not to do so. He used to ask me to call him by the name ‘NOJ’ and avoid calling the name Oomachan in front of girls. He sometimes create scripts in which he is some superhero or something and often describes him as ‘NOJ-The BOSS’.. LOL :-D   Sometimes he is very romantic and goes on singing “Aayiram Kannumaayi Kaathirunnu Ninne Njan...” and it’s really difficult to stop him from singing. He is good at delivering dialogues. I mean he can even write movie scripts; the kind of dialogues you only see in Christopher Nolan films!!

Karthik-There are two things he is good at. First one is at studies and the second one is at making girl friends. I think he knows almost all the good looking girls in Trivandrum. “Impress girlfriends with studies”- that is ,I think, his motto of life. He is the main adviser of NOJ though most of his advices are really crazy..  There is one thing I always like in him. He is always ready to help his friends- one quality that I think many of my classmates forgot to notice in him.

Pranoy- If God has created someone to tease people, then he is the one. He is someone who can make infinite jokes out of the endless romantic entanglements of NOJ and Karthik. He tells he doesn’t like girls and I’ve hardly seen him talking with any of them. But he shoots unlimited comments about them,instantly. Sometimes it did cross the limits. But he never bothered. He is someone who makes the group active.

Akash- He is the master of foolishness. He resembles ‘Appukuttan’ in the film ‘In Harihar Nagar’ in many ways. Every day he does something to laugh about. Another interesting thing about him is he has got special interest towards girls(preferably teachers) who are older than him.. He tells he likes Sachin Tendulkar and I guess that’s not because of his on field classics but maybe because he has married Anjali who is 5 years older than him!!

Now it’s my turn.. It’s not really right if I tell about myself. It’s about people around me to judge who I’m. And you people can best describe me..Some say I’m not good at talking. Some say I take time to mix with people. Some say I’m lazy. I don’t really know if these are right.. Probably it may be true.. but not  completely I guess.  All the people around me, all the friends around me have got certain expectations about me. “ Ashik will be doing like this. Ashik won’t be doing like that..” and all that..  I can only tell you people that I always try to meet your expectations and only there lies my satisfaction.

 And finally I think Nikhil, Karthik, Pranoy and Akash are so kind enough not to kill me for the comments I just mentioned.. :-D These are really my honest comments about you guys......
And if I have teased anyone last year, I tell you, I was just kidding and if I have hurt anyone it wasn’t deliberate and I’m sorry..Also I thank all my friends and for making last year a really memorable one.. A Happy New Year too..

Sunday 5 August 2012

idiots @ bartonhill

Well I have to start somewhere and what more suitable than the first day of my college life. It was an orientation class for the freshers. The class was supposed to start by 9am and I crossed the the college gate with my dad at around 8.50am. I came early deliberately so that I could get myself comfortable in the front seats. The sight in the class was shocking. I could hardly find a vacant seat. I searched for a seat with the same vigour as if I was searching for some lost gold or something.. Eventually I was offered a small space on the last bench. There wasn't an inch of space left as 5 students were already comfortably placed there. In fact they might have thought that the space allotted was more than enough for me!!!

'Your name please'... I was as polite as I could as I wanted to make sure that the guy nearby wouldn't push me down :p

'Akhil VS.....yours? '
'Ashik.M.S' - I don't know whether I have this bad habit of telling my full name all the time.. Maybe I like my initials or maybe because I felt like making him understand that if he had a VS with his first name.., I have a MS with mine..
So Akhil it is; the first person I met in my college. I found his face somewhat familiar to me. In 'Koi Mil Gaya' and 'Avatar' I have seen a familiar face.. So now you can guess what I might be relating his face to!! :D

Class began.. The HOD of the Electrical department and Principal spoke about the achievements of and the facilities in the college and they were fighting among themselves to prove that Bartonhill is the 2nd best college in the state. Then they talked about GPA and CGPU and all those things that we had no idea before. Maybe he might have felt that it was easy to confuse freshers than to convince them!!! The session was over by 11.30am. I noticed that my dad was busy talking with 2 uncles. 2 girls were also standing nearby. My dad greeted me and said that those two are my classmates pointing to the girls.
'I'm Sreya '
'I'm Soya'
'And I'm Ashik' - deliberately skipped initials this time :)

Sreya and Soya..... Sreya was a familiar name for I've Shreya Ghoshal's songs in my mobile.. But what's this Soya? I was familiar with soya beans only-that edible bean that we use in foods. Suddenly another vegetable came into my mind-Tomato or 'Thakkali' in malayalam. There was a person in my native place named 'Thakkali' !!!! So it might be the new trend to give vegetable names to people..  Crazy eh??

Well, I will tell about my other friends.. There is one guy.. a fatso, named Nikhil Oomen Jacob. When I first noticed him he was trying to catch attention by doing magic. I felt like he had spent considerable amount of time previous day studying how to be a magician..:) Despite all his efforts he was unsuccessful in bringing on the magician in him. Every time his magics went in vein he had a smile. His size itself is an attention seaker. Still I don't know why he was trying to do something he didn't know..

Another guy is Ayoub... who thinks that college life is all about cutting classes. He had even shown his special talent in that area by leaving the class even when the teacher is taking a lecture.. Amazing guy he is!!
Then comes 2 K's - studious Karthik and the handsome Krishnanunni. They both hardly free their hands.. either they will be writing lecture notes or they will be texting girls!!! Then there is Ajmal - the show!! He may be the most popular guy in the class as he's a jack of all trades..

Then comes the Kozhikodan duo- the most intelligent Kiran and the most funny Abhijith. Their malabari slang itself is a feast to our ears.. One noticeable legend is Akash or "pattom muttada".  When some one asks his place he couple Pattom and Muttada and tell " I'm.. Pattom muttada " LOL . I still doubt if even he knows where actually his house is!!
Then there is Arun,Ashwin,Appu,Anoop, Govind - a gang which equally studious and humorous people.. Other noticeable legends are hyperactive Josy,typical CBSE product Pranoy, tallest Vishnu and Rahul, the most social Anoop J , singer Nithin Mani, ks,rakesh and the most decent Azhar. Finally there is an always happy Manjith & jithin, genius Leo and the best class representative in Deepak... Not to forget the lateral entry guy Sethu :)

Coming to girls.. I've already mentioned about Sreya and Soya. They are the lone witnesses of whatever stupid things I happened to make in the college and unfortunately that earned me a name 'Sasikuttan'!!! :D
Then there is a highly brave and multi-talented Aswathy, the athira duo and a High five, always united DASRA- named after Deepthi, 'thattathin marayath' Azmiya, brilliant Shincy,Reshmi and Archa..
Other popular names are  studious Lekshmi and Amrutha, class representative Hema, Geethu, Rohini,Aneesha,  and English girl Kalyani.. to name a few..

Also the space allotted is not enough to describe my whole class.. And one more thing..title says idiots..  After the film 3 idiots no on in the world may like to tell the word idiot in negative sense..Of course all engineering students are idiots... So happy to be called as Idiots!! :D