Sunday, 15 December 2013

What is Liebster?

Actually I was really surprised when I received two mails each saying that I am nominated for Liebster Award-one from Adithya Manisankar and other from Parvathy. “Liebster Award”- uff now what is this? I haven’t heard of such an award before. I came to know that its awarded for bloggers  by the bloggers community itself. Thanks to Google. Then my attention shifted to those two people- Adithya and Parvathy. Parvathy is one those little sisters I got from my great Bhavans Vivekanada Vidya Mandir. She herself is a great blogger. We used to have small chit-chats over blogs and all those stuffs. And what I learnt is her writing and thinking are much more matured than you expect from a 17yr old. A million thanks to you for encouraging my writing by nominating me for this award. Now Adi.. Actually he is an absolute stranger. And that makes it special. Its not actually the award that makes me happy; it’s the fact that there is a bunch of unexpected people who like reading my blog. And that itself is the biggest fuel. Again Thanks a ton Adithya, thanks for the nomination.

Now I would like to thank those precious hearts who used to read my blog regularly and post their honest criticisms about my writing. Words are not enough to thank my sister, Sherin, who is always the first person to read whatever I used to write, my parents, all my friends and classmates of GECB, Bhavans and Mridula. Their constant critical evaluation-both good and bad remarks- helped me get better every time. Without you guys, my blog never would have been like this.

WHAT IS LIEBSTER AWARD ? – Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. It is said that , the Liebster Blog Award started in Germany(probably) & is used to highlight new/recent/lesser known blogs or let say blogs with less than 200 followers.

HOW A LIEBSTER AWARD WORKS ? - The Liebster is an award you accept with the intention of paying it forward. When you get nominated ,you have to post 10 facts about you, 10 questions to answer .Answer them ,then create 10 more questions &  choose 10 more bloggers whom you feel are deserving of more subscribers & you pass the award on to them.

Here are 10 random facts about me.

  1. Probably I’m the only person in my generation who haven’t watched cartoons. ( Couple of occasions I’ve watched tom and jerry though).
  2. When I have a chair and table in home, I prefer sitting on the table with legs in chair. It’s a kind of weird habit I have since my childhood.
  3. Till my 7th standard I used to sing regularly in my school. 
  4. My childhood toys were fighter airplanes that were gifted by my dad, and a cricket bat gifted by my mom.
  5. I have a bad fear towards all kinds of insects, especially cockroaches.
  6. Till date, I never had a fight with my sister.
  7. I used to talk too much when I was small. The speed with which I talk is such that people hardly understand anything.
  8. I used to be the tallest person in my class and just 1 or 2 years later, ended as one of shortest. I think at some point I stopped growing.
  9. Till 2011, every year I used to suffer from asthma, usually in December. 
  10. I’m a midnight blogger.

So here are my answers to the questions asked to me by Adithya

What do your friends and family think about your blog?

  • My family consider it as a platform to develop my English writing skills. And my friends- some consider it as sliced memories of college and school life, some others take it as an opportunity to read what is in my mind, a few takes it as an “unlimited teasing” page.

If you must tell someone your secret – a scary embarrassing secret – who would that someone be?

  • If you tell someone a secret there is every chance that they will omit it out sometime. So if I ever get to such a situation then I may probably tell it with my sister coz half of the time she’s almost out of her mind ; the rest half she’s asleep :D

What makes you laugh your head out?

  • Thinking about my own foolish actions itself can laugh me out of proportion.

If you could change three things about yourself – be it physically or mentally or anything – what would it be?

  • Physically I would love a fully opened nose. Due to the bend, now I have to breathe virtually through one side.
  • Sometimes I feel I’m a bit arrogant. I would love to be a bit more humble.
  • Finally my parents used to complain that I’m lazy and disordered. Can I change that?

What are your “philosophies” that you strictly adhere (or atleast try) to? (Eg. I must not tell a lie, I must not cheat etc)

  • Honesty is the greatest treasure I try to follow in my life. I feel it is the only thing that I could never afford to lose and then regain it. 
  • I always try to take up responsibilities and challenges. 
  • Never drink, smoke or use alcohols. Why waste money and kill yourself?
  • I believe that if you are continuously doing what you really love, if you are working hard on your interested field, then you can achieve wonders.
  • Finally respect women- by words and by actions.

Name three films or three books (or both) that changed your life

  • Actually Aamir’s ‘Satyameva Jayate’ is one that influenced me the most. Though not a movie/book, it deserves to be mentioned. My all-time favourite movies are Swades and 3-Idiots. While Swades inspired to do something for the society using one’s skill, 3-Idiots taught how to learn and how to be an engineer. As far as books are concerned, ‘The Secret’ has done wonders. I have now started thinking about my thoughts :D

Name three films (or books) that you despise

  • It’s difficult to answer. One doesn’t remember things that one doesn’t like na. In fact, I don’t like most of the romantic films.. They all have the same story rendered in the same way. And some of those New-gen films like Chappa Kurisu.

What Myer-Brigg type are you?

  • INTP (Introversion,Intuition, thinking, Perception)

Do you think that the type that you got above actually describes you?

  • Well, it up to people around me to have a final word on that.

Name three of your favorite authors and three favorite directors

  • It was a wonderful experience reading novels of Chetan Bhagat, Nicholas Spark and Vaikkom Muhammed Basheer. 
  • Directors- Christopher Nolan, Blessy, Maniratnam

Inevitable question : Why do you blog? What got you into it? And how’s the experience?

  • I believe that blogging has the same impact as photography. Both are a way of keeping memories alive. I started blogging as a hobby and now I cannot afford to stop writing. Blogging actually is a journey. A journey of my life. Well, that sums it up na?

Now here is Parvathy’s questions

What is your best childhood memory?

  • When I was a child, I used to go to school only if I was accompanied by my sister. In case she took leave, I preferred staying at home with her even if it happens to be an exam day!! 

What’s something you regret, and how would you change it if you could?

  • I believe everything happens for a reason. So I’m more interested to change something in the present than that of past.

What childhood (or adolescent) dreams have you fulfilled?

  • My childhood dreams were really big. I think if you can fulfil your dreams so fast then they are not big enough.

If you could live anywhere on earth (and take whomever you wanted along), where would it be?

  • Amritsar. Well, it remains to be the best place I have spent so far. The people there, the Punjabi food, and the Panjabi girls-they are really beautiful!! Everything perfectly placed.

If any character from a novel could be your best friend, who would you want it to be and why?

  • Ryan in ‘Five Point Someone’. He is probably the best friend one can ever get.

Any favourite quotes?

  • One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words. It is expressed in the choices one makes.. and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility. 

What is your idea of heaven?

  • Well, I think it’s the only possible place where good people of different generations live together. I’m just too excited to meet Gandhiji and Tesla!!

What has been the best moment of your blogging journey?

  • After updating my blog when I reach the class next day, most of my friends’ topic of discussion has been about the blog. Eventually they used to kick me for the kind of things I used to write about them!! But still, when I look back, those moments have really given me boundless fun.

What is something that you've always wanted to try but haven’t yet?

  • One of my childhood dreams was to try my luck flying a fighter plane.. I still love to if I ever get a chance.

Who would play your role if your life is made into a movie ?

  • I think one’s role can be best played by himself only. It hardly needs an effort na..

Okay, The Nominees .... These are some blogs I love to visit ....



Anagha P

Green Frog

Viju Sudhi

Debajyoti Gosh

The Fool



Now my questions

  1. What is something that you fear the most?
  2. If you are asked to reveal an unknown fact about you, what would it be?
  3. What is the funniest thing happened in your life?
  4. If you are given a time machine, and going to the future, then what would you do?
  5. What is the most cherished moment of your life?
  6. If you meet me in heaven, what is the first thing you would tell me?
  7. If you are given an opportunity to change your name, what would it be?
  8. If you are asked to write an autobiography, what would be the title? And why? 
  9. If you are given 1 crore rupees? What would you do with it?
  10. Now last question.. Why do you blog?

Pass it on and keep blogging :) :) :)